Who doesn’t like fish? This little-tiny-funny animal is adored by everyone, even if you can’t swim as it does. Believed by its relaxing-magical power when you see it, fish is more than just a water-creature which can be placed in a cubical glass. It is alive, for many reasons. Connecting people, earning people, entertaining people.
In Surabaya, there’s a place named Irian Barat street which is always busy of its ‘fish-things’. It’s located near Kayoon street, which is famous as the center of flowers-shop. Although it’s not always about selling fishes here, the fish lovers will be very fond. There are kois, arowanas, even piranhas!
But the fishes are friendly to other animals. You can also find fat bunnies, handsome cats, gentle chipmunks, sturdy-cobra, or the-slowly-but-sure animals, turtle. And for no many reasons, you can’t pass by this area without buying anything. They are too beautiful, you can’t afford to ignore them.
every Saturday-evening until Sunday-morning and Wednesday-evening until Thursday-morning
A little-trip tips:
It’s better if you keep your eyes obviously to the fish because you'd have to be worry about the fungus on their bodies. Come in the morning, so you can see where is the fungus...
Sopo sing gak seneng karo iwak? Kewan cilik, menthik, lucu iki digendhengi wongakeh, masio koen gak isok renang koyok de'e. Dipercoyo isok nggarai lego ati nek koen ndelok, iwak gak cuman kewan banyu sing biasane didekek nang akuarium. Iwak iku urip, macem-macem fungsine karo alasane. Nyedekno wong, ngekei penguripan wong, nghibur wong.
Nang Suroboyo ono panggonan jenenge dalan Irian Barat sing biasane ruame gara-gara iwak. Irba iku cedhek dalan Kayoon, sing terkenal dadi pusat-e dodolan kembang. Masio nang kene gak mesti iwak thok, sing nggendhengi iwak dijamin dimanjakno. Ono iwak koi, arwana, iwak mas koki, bahkan piranha!
Tapi iwak-iwak iki yo koncoan apik karo kewan liyane. Koen yo isok nemu kelinci sing lemu, tupai sing lulut, ulo kobra sing gagah, opo kuro sing mlakune alon tapi kelakon. Mangkane, gak ono alesan gak tuku opo-opo bar mulih teko kene. Soale kewan-kewan iku kebacut nggemesno, koen gak akan isok ngejarno.
Jadwal dodolan:Saben Sabtu bengi sampe Minggu isuk
Saben Rebo bengi sampek Kemis isuk
Tips tambahan sing penting:Nek arep tuku iwak, deloken sing teliti soale koen kudu waspada karo jamur! Mending teko isuk, ben kethok jelas jamure nang sebelah endi...
From elder to youngster. They are all fish-freaks, meet at the same place, same purpose. The two little kids was amazed by the displayed-fishes, so were the woman.
Gak sing enom, gak sing tuwek. Kabeh nggendhengi iwak, ketemu nang panggonan sing podho, ambe tujuan sing podho. Arek loro iki kecanthol karo iwak-iwak sing dipajang, wong wedhok iku pisan.
This is the miracle of relaxing-power of fish! You can't take your eyes of off them...Yo iki ajaibe iwak! Saben didelok, uangel gak ngelamun...
...even this little-girl too......bahkan arek cilik yo seneng ngelamuni iwak...
The older brother maybe said: "Umm Sist, I think we need to buy the bigger one..."Mas-e mungkin ngomong: "Wah Dik, koyoke awak dhewe kudu njaluk tukokno iwak sing luwih gedhe iki..."
Fighter fish is the most popular species among children. Those kids were really passionate in challenging their fighter fish with another fighter fishes (which are displayed in the fish market). They bring their own fighter fishes near the opponent-fishes, then one of them will try to threat each other, pushing their head on the plastic surface.Iwak tarung iku jenis iwak sing paling terkenal nang arek cilik. Arek-arek iku kethok semangat narungno iwake karo iwak sing dipajang nang pasar. Arek-arek cilik iku nyedekno iwake karo iwak pajangan, trus iwak pajangan iku bakal sundhul-sundhulan nang walike kantong plastike.
Besides fish, here you can buy chipmunks, cats, turtles, snakes, and bunnies. This old woman caressed the white-black spotted bunny...Selain iwak, nang kene yo ono tupai, kucing, kuro, ulo, trus kelinci. Ibuk iki ngelus-ngelus kelinci sing dipajang rodo suwe, saking gemesse...
*Contributor: Artika Rachmi Farmita